New partner: LEO Pharma and Nia Health are cooperating [EN]

Leo Pharma

Nia Health GmbH from Berlin welcomes LEO Pharma as a new pharmaceutical cooperation partner. LEO Pharma focuses on dermatological indications. Among other fields, the company is pushing innovative treatment options for atopic dermatitis. 

Atopic dermatitis, also known as (atopic) eczema, is a chronic inflammatory skin disease that is very widespread in the population. Patients often suffer from painful itching and dry, cracked skin that can develop into wounds.

Digital applications are increasingly becoming an important part of therapy management

People suffering from atopic eczema often deal with enormous physical and psychological stress. The innovative eczema app Nia supports these patients on a daily basis with comprehensive digital support. As a digital treatment supplement, in addition to the existing therapy, Nia offers a holistic approach by providing users many functions to document the skin condition and identify potential triggers for flare-ups through clinically validated scores and photo documentation. Further, those affected receive many practical tips and background knowledge on the topics of medication, nutrition, psychology and personal hygiene through articles and videos based on the renowned AGNES e.V. curriculum. 

The award-winning eczema app Nia is registered as a medical device and is the most widely used medical eczema app in Europe. It was launched in 2019 by the Berlin-based company Nia Health, a spin-off of Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin.

Dr. Franz Peter Kesseler, General Manager LEO Pharma

Dr. Franz Peter Kesseler, General Manager of LEO Pharma Germany, is looking forward to the collaboration: „In line with our corporate philosophy, we support innovative approaches such as the Nia App. In particular, digital applications are increasingly becoming an important component in the therapy of chronic diseases.“

Tobias Seidl, CEO and co-founder of Nia Health, is also pleased about the cooperation with the new supporter LEO Pharma:

„The exchange with LEO Pharma about common goals was excellent. The collaborative further development of innovative technologies has great potential.”

About LEO Pharma:

LEO Pharma is a global pharmaceutical company and has been helping to improve the quality of life of millions of people with its products for more than a century. In recent years, the research-based company has increasingly specialised in dermatology. LEO Pharma was founded as early as 1908 and combines experience and tradition with innovation, which is why the company sees itself as the modern face of dermatology. It is part of LEO Pharma’s corporate philosophy to meet the therapeutic needs of patients with skin and thrombotic diseases in a faster and more personalised way.

About Nia Health:

Nia Health provides full digital support to patients with chronic conditions using innovative medical software. The medical device company was founded in 2019 as a spin-off of Charité Berlin. Its first product, the award-winning eczema app Nia, provides daily support to thousands of patients and their families. Nia is now the most widely used eczema app in German-speaking countries. In addition, Nia is the first eczema app ever to be registered as a medical product. Nia is already recommended by leading statutory health insurers. In October 2020, the psoriasis app Sorea, the second product based on the innovative technology of the Berlin-based Start-Up, was launched.

Continue to the publication on the LEO Pharma website.

Tobias Seidl

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